George Howson

Engineer, Father, Travel addict, Writer, but most of all, a motorsport nut who is never afraid to ask the questions most would back out of and I always tell it like it is.

How thick are the tires on a NASCAR car

How thick are the tires on a NASCAR car?

NASCAR Tire Thickness: A Closer Look. Professional NASCAR racing is all about strength, both physical and mental. One of the most important components of the…

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Do IndyCars have carburetors?

Do IndyCars have Carburetors? That’s a big no. IndyCars stopped using carburetors since 1963 and now rely on fuel injection systems for improved performance. These…

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Why is Tesla not in NASCAR?

You’ve probably found yourself watching a NASCAR race, awed by the roaring engines, and a question popped into your mind: why isn’t Tesla represented in…

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How Much Does It Cost To Sponsor A Nascar

How Much Does It Cost To Sponsor A Nascar?

Understanding the costs associated with NASCAR sponsorship is like understanding the different segments of a race track. Each component varies, and each has its unique…

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Why do they spray water on IndyCar?

IndyCar races are known for their wild speed and thrilling moments. Have you ever noticed them spraying water? That’s to clean the track surface of…

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Is there a limit on how many tires you can have in NASCAR?

Is there a limit on how many tires you can have in NASCAR?

NASCAR racing relies heavily on car and tire performance. Tires are essential for speed and agility, so NASCAR has rules about type, size, and number….

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How do racers get into NASCAR?

You’ve always been fascinated by the adrenaline-fueled world of NASCAR, haven’t you? And you’ve probably wondered, how do racers actually make it to this elite…

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Do Nascar drivers wear diapers?

You’ve probably found yourself captivated by the high-speed turns and adrenaline-pumping action of NASCAR. And if you’re like many fans, you’ve likely wondered, “Do NASCAR…

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How hot are NASCAR tires

How hot are NASCAR tires?

Just how hot are NASCAR tires, and why does it matter? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the science behind tire heat…

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Do NASCAR drivers drink before racing

Do NASCAR drivers drink before racing?

NASCAR drivers must adhere to strict rules and regulations in NASCAR races. People often wonder if these pros consume alcohol before a race – the…

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